We hope to be able to serve your insurance needs in the future.
Preventing Slips and Falls
- July 1, 2017
- Posted by: lucasmarcdesign
- Category: Risk management
No CommentsCommon everyday exposures may lead to injuries more often than we give them credit for.
Vehicle Backing Incidents: How do Some Utilities Seem to Avoid Them?
- July 1, 2013
- Posted by: lucasmarcdesign
- Category: Risk management
“Sometimes when we review particular utilities’ loss runs there are no backing incidents to be found, not even when we look several years back. What explains this?”
AEDs Revisited
- July 1, 2013
- Posted by: lucasmarcdesign
- Category: Risk management
It seems like a good time to revisit this topic and highlight a few developments.
Risk Management and the Smaller Company
- October 24, 2012
- Posted by: lucasmarcdesign
- Category: Risk management
Most of the utilities in this power program are small enough not to have a full time “Risk Manager,” and consequently the work that would be assigned to a Risk Manager at a larger organization is usually spread out among multiple people.
Copper Thefts and How to Deter Them
- September 20, 2012
- Posted by: lucasmarcdesign
- Categories: Security, Theft prevention
Recent reports from the field, as well as claims activity monitoring, confirm that with the rising price of copper the thefts of copper wire and materials have been trending upward over the past year or so. Incidents have included thefts from yards and warehouses, and even more problematically from substations.
Cogeneration, Electrocution, and Urbanization
- September 5, 2011
- Posted by: lucasmarcdesign
- Categories: Company history, Electricity
As noted earlier, HA arranges coverage for a variety of power facilities, each of which presents its own set of exposures. “Generation facilities can be large or small,” Hurtado says. “They generate power from coal, natural gas, or other fuels; and that is what puts power into the grid. They sell their power to distribution facilities, which generally have multiple contracts to sell power to the end user, which is an individual or business.
Don’t take electricity for granted
- August 1, 2011
- Posted by: lucasmarcdesign
- Category: Company history
Flip a switch and your lights come on, your TV screen leaps to life, and your microwave starts to reheat your Szechuan leftovers.