Hurtado & Associates, Inc. (HAI)

Rural Electric Cooperative and Power Distribution Insurance Specialists


M-F 8:00am to 5:00pm


(801) 352-8397

1011 S. Centennial Parkway
Suite #410 | Sandy, UT 84070

electric cooperative insurance

Nothing stays the same

Hurtado & Associates, Inc. is the leading retail and wholesale brokerage for electric cooperatives and power distribution facilities.

Through our 38 years of insurance industry experience plus 21 years of working exclusively with electric cooperatives, we have gained the knowledge and expertise to develop and manage an exclusive insurance program through:

1. Knowledgeable Underwriting
2. Comprehensive Coverage
3. Competitive Pricing
4. Dedicated Claims Management
5. Annual On-site Risk Management Visits

Each element is critical for a long-term insurance program to be effective and efficient in maintaining premium balance, appropriate claims management, and reducing the potential impact of future claims.

One-stop shop for power distribution risks

For most Americans, electricity is an unseen yet vital force that we take completely for granted until an ice storm leaves us shivering in the dark or an August heat wave shuts down the local power grid. The people who design, build, maintain, and repair power generating facilities, however, take nothing for granted as they work to keep electricity flowing to our homes, stores, offices, schools, hospitals, and factories.

And if you think generating and distributing electricity is challenging, consider the complexity of arranging insurance coverage for the myriad of exposures faced by these facilities. Read more…

electric cooperative insurance

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Contact us

Do you have questions about how we can help you? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or call between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak with you.

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